Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE) have seen a year over year change of sales growth of 2.092%. The 575690 market value company based out of Poland is an important player in the Chemicals sector.
While sales growth can be a key driver for a company’s stock performance, there are many other factors to consider as well. Here we’ll take a look at several other notable indicators.
Stock market reversals can occur at any time. When these corrections happen, the investing world may be quick to make over the top predictions. Looking at the current health of the overall stock market, it is important to remember that market corrections can be quite normal in bull market runs. Investors may use a down day to buy some names they may have had their eye on. As we near the next earnings season, everyone will be checking to see how companies have performed over the previous quarter. Investors and analysts will both be eagerly watching to see if the company can meet and beet projections.
So how has Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE) performed in terms of returns? The ROIC quality score stands at 5.356094 whilet he actual return on invested capital holds at 0.163527. Ciech S.A.’s book to market ratio is at 0.895616 while the book to market mean difference is 0.09287. This indicator tells you how a company is currently valued in terms of Book to Market compared to its average Book to Market over the past 10 years. It’s important to note that BM is the inverse of the Price to book ratio. Thus a high BM ratio means a company is undervalued.
In glancing at some key ratios we note that the Piotroski F-Score is at 5 (1 to 10 scale) and the ERP5 rank is at 1587. The Q.I. Value of Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE) currently reads 6 on the Quant scale. The Free Cash Flow score of 1.368316 is also swinging some momentum at investors. The Poland based firm is currently valued at 835.
Some other notable ratios include the Accrual Ratio of 0.053005, the Altman Z score of 2.176623, a Montier C-Score of 4 and a Value Composite rank of 6.
In looking at some Debt ratios, Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE) currently has a debt to equity ratio of 0.73686 and a Free Cash Flow to Debt ratio of 0.112485. This ratio gives insight as to how high the firm’s total debt is compared to its free cash flow generated. In terms of Net Debt to EBIT, that ratio stands at 1.66783. This ratio reveals how easily a firm is able to pay interest and capital on its net outstanding debt. The lower the ratio the better as that indicates that the company is able to meet its interest and capital payments. Lastly we’ll take note of the Net Debt to Market Value ratio. Ciech S.A.’s ND to MV current stands at 0.419224. This ratio is calculated as follows: Net debt (Total debt minus Cash ) / Market value of the company.
Stock analysis may be used to determine which shares the investor should buy, and at what price they should buy. Many investors will search for stocks that are currently undervalued. Fundamental research may involve scouring the balance sheet to spot a solid company. Many investors will use financial ratios to help determine which shares to purchase. Some of the more popular ratios are return on equity, earnings per share, price to earnings, and dividend yield. Applying the same type of research across the board may help the investor spot stocks that present a good opportunity for future growth.
Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE) are showing an adjusted slope average of the past 125 and 250 days of -15.90186. The Adjusted Slope 125/250d indicator is equal to the average annualized exponential regression slope, over the past 125 and 250 trading days, multiplied by the coefficient of determination (R2). The purpose of this calculation is to provide a longer term average adjusted slope value that levels out large share price movements by using the average. This indicator is useful in helping find stocks that have been on a smooth upward trend over the past 6 months to a year.
Drilling down into some additional key near-term indicators we note that the Capex to PPE ratio stands at 0.15296 for Ciech S.A. (WSE:CIE). The Capex to PPE ratio shows you how capital intensive a company is. Stocks with an increasing (year over year) ratio may be moving to be more capital intensive and often underperform the market. Higher Capex also often means lower Free Cash Flow (Operating cash flow – Capex) generation and lower dividends as companies don’t have the cash to pay dividends if they are investing more in the business.
For many individual investors, deciding the proper time to sell a stock may be just as important as figuring out which stocks to buy at the outset. Investors may be reviewing the portfolio and looking at some stocks that have taken off and made a big run to the upside. When this occurs, investors may need to make the tough decision of whether to take some profits or hold out for further gains. Because every scenario is different, investors may want to dig a little deeper into the fundamentals before making a decision. If the stock’s fundamentals have weakened, it might be time to reassess the position.