Looking at some ROIC (Return on Invested Capital) numbers, Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL)’s ROIC Quality Score is 9.511963. ROIC is a profitability ratio that measures the return that an investment generates for those providing capital. ROIC helps show how efficient a firm is at turning capital into profits. This formula is calculated by 5 year average Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) / Standard Deviation of the 5 year ROIC. The higher the ratio, the better as a higher score indicates a more stable return on invested capital.
High yielding stocks can be very tempting for investors. Trying to maximize the return on every dollar invested is a goal of many individuals. What investors have to remember is that the stocks that promise the highest return potential may also be some of the riskiest to own. Because past performance can’t guarantee future results, investors may need to do some extra research when adding high risk stocks to the portfolio. Most investors are always on the lookout to spot that next big stock winner before everyone else. Making sure that they are not adding too much extra risk when doing this may be the key to keeping the portfolio balanced.
Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) has a Price to Book ratio of 3.757901. This ratio is calculated by dividing the current share price by the book value per share. Investors may use Price to Book to display how the market portrays the value of a stock. Checking in on some other ratios, the company has a Price to Cash Flow ratio of 12.890563, and a current Price to Earnings ratio of 17.207563. The P/E ratio is one of the most common ratios used for figuring out whether a company is overvalued or undervalued.
Checking in on some valuation rankings, Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) has a Value Composite score of 47. Developed by James O’Shaughnessy, the VC score uses five valuation ratios. These ratios are price to earnings, price to cash flow, EBITDA to EV, price to book value, and price to sales. The VC is displayed as a number between 1 and 100. In general, a company with a score closer to 0 would be seen as undervalued, and a score closer to 100 would indicate an overvalued company. Adding a sixth ratio, shareholder yield, we can view the Value Composite 2 score which is currently sitting at 39.
Watching some historical volatility numbers on shares of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL), we can see that the 12 month volatility is presently 22.070300. The 6 month volatility is 21.082900, and the 3 month is spotted at 23.846700. Following volatility data can help measure how much the stock price has fluctuated over the specified time period. Although past volatility action may help project future stock volatility, it may also be vastly different when taking into account other factors that may be driving price action during the measured time period.
Price Index
We can now take a quick look at some historical stock price index data. Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) presently has a 10 month price index of 0.90749. The price index is calculated by dividing the current share price by the share price ten months ago. A ratio over one indicates an increase in share price over the period. A ratio lower than one shows that the price has decreased over that time period. Looking at some alternate time periods, the 12 month price index is 0.98867, the 24 month is 1.17933, and the 36 month is 1.30480. Narrowing in a bit closer, the 5 month price index is 0.90755, the 3 month is 0.88427, and the 1 month is currently 1.03333.
The Gross Margin Score is calculated by looking at the Gross Margin and the overall stability of the company over the course of 8 years. The score is a number between one and one hundred (1 being best and 100 being the worst). The Gross Margin Score of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) is 12.00000. The more stable the company, the lower the score. If a company is less stable over the course of time, they will have a higher score.
The C-Score is a system developed by James Montier that helps determine whether a company is involved in falsifying their financial statements. The C-Score is calculated by a variety of items, including a growing difference in net income verse cash flow, increasing days outstanding, growing days sales of inventory, increasing assets to sales, declines in depreciation, and high total asset growth. The C-Score of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) is 1.00000. The score ranges on a scale of -1 to 6. If the score is -1, then there is not enough information to determine the C-Score. If the number is at zero (0) then there is no evidence of fraudulent book cooking, whereas a number of 6 indicates a high likelihood of fraudulent activity. The C-Score assists investors in assessing the likelihood of a company cheating in the books.
The Piotroski F-Score is a scoring system between 1-9 that determines a firm’s financial strength. The score helps determine if a company’s stock is valuable or not. The Piotroski F-Score of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) is 5. A score of nine indicates a high value stock, while a score of one indicates a low value stock. The score is calculated by the return on assets (ROA), Cash flow return on assets (CFROA), change in return of assets, and quality of earnings. It is also calculated by a change in gearing or leverage, liquidity, and change in shares in issue. The score is also determined by change in gross margin and change in asset turnover.
An important idea when dealing with technical analysis is that historical stock price movements tend to repeat. Technical analysis focuses on chart patterns with the goal of analyzing market movements and defining trends. Charting has been around for many years, and even older methods are considered to be relevant due to the nature of repeating patterns. Certain trends may be easier to spot than others. Technical analysts that spend vast amounts of studying charts and patterns may be more adept at spotting specific trends. Investors may want to employ multiple methods of trend spotting in order to get a more robust spectrum with which to work.
The MF Rank (aka the Magic Formula) is a formula that pinpoints a valuable company trading at a good price. The formula is calculated by looking at companies that have a high earnings yield as well as a high return on invested capital. The MF Rank of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) is 5712. A company with a low rank is considered a good company to invest in. The Magic Formula was introduced in a book written by Joel Greenblatt, entitled, “The Little Book that Beats the Market”.
The Shareholder Yield is a way that investors can see how much money shareholders are receiving from a company through a combination of dividends, share repurchases and debt reduction. The Shareholder Yield of Hexcel Corporation (NYSE:HXL) is 0.035267. This percentage is calculated by adding the dividend yield plus the percentage of shares repurchased. Dividends are a common way that companies distribute cash to their shareholders. Similarly, cash repurchases and a reduction of debt can increase the shareholder value, too. Another way to determine the effectiveness of a company’s distributions is by looking at the Shareholder yield (Mebane Faber). The Shareholder Yield (Mebane Faber) of Hexcel Corporation NYSE:HXL is 0.02122. This number is calculated by looking at the sum of the dividend yield plus percentage of sales repurchased and net debt repaid yield.
Stock market investing can sometimes become highly emotional. Being able to leave emotions out of the major investing decisions might be tricky, but it may end up being a portfolio savior down the road. Nobody wants to see a thoroughly researched stock pick underperform. Holding onto the hope that a certain stock has to bounce back may lead to later problems. Of course, it can be very hard for humans to admit when a mistake was made. Finding the ability to detach from a position can be tough. Humans make mistakes, but being able to learn from those mistakes moving forward can help with achieving long term success in the market.